Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Scale death, and HFCS rant.

As the title states, my scale is dead. I went to use it recently and one of the leg things was broken clean off. I have no idea how it got broke (and no, I didn't do it in a fit of rage, I just found it that way). I am bummed out about it and relieved at the same time. I have the fear that I've put on about 5 lbs and I wanted to check.

I have been shopping for a new scale, but am not really looking too seriously. It probably isn't good to have a scale and stress out over it every week, but on the other hand it is nice to be able to check when I want to. I have one in my wish list on, but I don't know how I feel about spending $35 and up on a bathroom (albeit nice) scale.

I should just spend the money on healthy food. Stupid convenient carbs have been getting to me. Why is it that all the easy and fast meals are loaded with more carbs than I would like to ingest in a whole week? I am so sick of eggs, bleh :( Meatloaf takes forever, I don't really like cooking bacon, roasts are expensive, and hamburger patties get boring after awhile. I need to put more effort in and make my own frozen meals, but again, that is more work than sounds tolerable at the moment.

Speaking of carbs, there has been a ton of adds endorsing corn syrup lately. I find it insulting and ludicrous honestly. Most everybody acknowledges that HFCSs are horribly bad for people, and is often listed as the number one food additive to avoid. There are two commercials that I've seen and they both say something along the lines of "whether it's from corn or cane, your body can't tell the difference; sugar is sugar." It is an absolute and complete lie.

High Fructose Corn Syrup (or even corn syrup) is not like sugar. Sugar is refined yes, but no matter how hard you squish, squeeze, or smash corn you don't get syrup (or oil as far as that is concerned). Corn syrup is chemically extracted, and High Fructose Corn Syrup is purposefully made to be extra sweet. Regular cane sugar is 50% glucose and 50% fructose, well HFCS is 45% glucose and 55% fructose. Fructose tells your liver to produce fat like nobody's business (that is super simplified, of course) and just that 5% increase will pack on several pounds compared with consumption of regular sugar. It is horrible to think that there may be people out there who listen to these adds and are actually convinced what they are saying is true.

The Corn Refiners Association (the people who pay for these adds, naturally) must feel very threatened if they are having to push these adds so badly. Over last weekend ABC Family was running a Harry Potter weekend marathon, during which these adds showed up 1 or 2 times during every commercial break. Sugar is bad enough for people, but corn syrup is even worse. "Sugar is sugar," is about as true as "a calorie is a calorie" because of course eating 400 calories worth of chocolate cake is the same nutritionally as eating 400 calories worth of meats and vegetables...NOT!

I have been wondering if a vacuum food saver would be a good idea or just stupid. I have always heard people being disappointed by vacuumed sealed food savers, but the idea behind it is nice. I much prefer buying meats at Sam's Club because the prices are far better than what I can find at grocery stores, but it is hard going through all the meat before it spoils. It sounds smart to buy a few different meats and freeze them in smaller groups, but how well do those vacuum sealer machines work? Do they protect against freezer burn any better than Ziploc bags? The infomercials say they are awesome of course, but who trusts infomercials? I need to do some research into this and look at reviews on different machines. I also need to look into getting a good set of food storage containers so I can make and freeze meals for when I can't stand actually cooking. I don't mind eating low-carb, but cooking low-carb is a lot of work. My weight requires I do something about this soon, if I actually want to lose anymore weight and not just hang around 205-210 forever. Maybe I will look into getting a vacuum food storage machine for our family for Christmas...because that's what every husband and child wishes for, right ? :D

Anyways, enough ranting and rambling, I need to go knit now.

Here is one of the videos I was referring to.

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