Tuesday, October 30, 2012

12 Week Prenatal Appointment.

Yesterday was my first official prenatal appointment with the midwife. I was 12 weeks and 2 days. The appointment went well, seems everything is on track. My blood pressure was excellent, 120/66 and I have gained 8 lbs so far. I actually gained 9 lbs during the first couple weeks, then didn't gain any more after that. So really, I have lost 1 lb in the last two-ish months. She said my fundus was at the right height, and my uterus was the right size (approximate size of a grapefruit). We got to hear the baby's heartbeat, though both my husband and I have mixed feelings over the use of the doppler. Baby's heart beat was 158 bpm. My next appointment is the 26th of November, and I'll be 16 weeks pregnant.

Things have been going about the same for me since last time I posted. I am still having some occasional morning sickness, but ginger tea (decaf) keeps it in check pretty well. I am still tired beyond all reason. Sunday I didn't wake up until 10 am, took a nap at noon and didn't get back up until 5 that evening. I was tired all evening and went to bed at the regular time that night. I just can't sleep enough to get my energy up. Exercising is impossible to get through because I am so fatigued and get short of breath from the smallest amount of activity. I take my prenatal vitamins that are high in iron, and I also eat a pretty high iron diet, so I shouldn't be anemic. I was never this tired with either of my girls, but I also wasn't this hungry, feel movement this early, or have so much lower abdominal pressure either. This pregnancy is so very different than my previous two. Hopefully that means this baby is a boy.

Homeschooling has been really hard with me being so tired all the time. There are days we don't get started until 3 or 4 in the afternoon. Some days we don't get any of our reading done and have to do double the next day. I am thankful for the flexibility of homeschooling. If we had to be on a strict schedule, I don't think I could do it right now. I am also glad that the girls are a bit older and more understanding. I remember my oldest being so confused and hurt that I couldn't really play with her as much or pick her up while I was pregnant with her sister. It is much easier not having to take care of a toddler while pregnant.

My diet has not been as good as I would like it to be. I have slipped up and eaten high carb foods a handful of times. It wasn't that long ago I had a grilled cheese sandwich, not smart for someone who is trying to eat low carb and fighting constipation on a dialy basis.  I suppose all things considered, I am doing a decent job with my diet. I am beginning to hate water with a passion though. Drinking 16 glasses of water a day gets harder to do every day. Flavoring the water isn't helping as much as it used to either. bleh.

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