Sunday, March 11, 2012

VLCD#14 & 15

I didn't do an update yesterday, so this is for yesterday and today. The 9th was a really hard day for me. This had absolutely nothing to do with the diet at all, just my regular life. It was a horrible day that I don't care to go into details over. I took a risk and allowed myself to cheat that night. I knew it would set me back some, but I needed something to help calm and console me. I want to get away from using food as a comforting tool, but it was an emergency situation and not something that happens very often.

My cheat on the night of the 9th was a couple pieces of cheesecake (store bought). The next morning the scale said I packed on 1 pound because of the cheat. This morning I lost .6 of that pound, and I hope to lose the rest of it plus more tomorrow morning. I knew cheating would set me back a little bit, but it was a calculated thing and I knew it would cost me a couple days of weight loss. To pick up some of the gap, I am going to cut out my toast for a few days and only have one fruit serving instead of two. I was considering cutting the bread and fruit back some anyway because of slowing losses, so hopefully it helps some.

Well, that is that. I guess there isn't really a whole lot else to say about it. I am hoping for a loss tomorrow again and to be caught up plus maybe a little extra. I would be very happy to see 204.4 lbs tomorrow morning.

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