Thursday, August 16, 2012

Cd#13 randomness

My hubby is busy on the computer, so I am attempting to blog on my phone :/ We'll see how it goes!

I can't tell you how long these 13 days have been! I am really dreading the TWW, yes still, lol. Tomorrow is the magical O day according to my Period Tracker app. I've been doing OPKs since CD#6, and the lines were darker today! Still not a positive, but pretty close, so I expect a positive tomorrow morning. We bought a box of Pre-Seed and there were coupons for the Clearblue digital ovulation test, so hubby dear is at Walmart buying one (hey, it was a freaking $10 coupon! How could I help myself? Lol) I will probably take another OPK and a digital one around midnight tonight. I am NOT going to miss the surge this month! I am also going to test in the morning, afternoon, and evening tomorrow.

Besides the darker OPK test, I am having other ovulation signs. I notice each month the O signs get worse. I have not seen the normal CM signs, and that seems to just be totally messed up these past couple months (hence why we paid out the rear for a box of Pre-Seed). I have been having O cramping, nasty lower back pain, and one killer headache most of today (aren't hormones lovely?) besides the tell-tale sign of my husband suddenly seeming more attractive, lol I am pretty confident that O is tomorrow or the day after, though I am betting on tomorrow based off the intensity of my -signs-.

We are still doing the boy diet, even though we are really hating it at this point. I have gained so much weight I can't stand to look at myself in the mirror, bleh... Both of us are super gassy with the nastiest smelling farts in existence, so tired we can barely make it through the day, and so hungry all the time despite eating a ton of food. I am going to back off on the diet a couple days after O, as is my husband. I will stop taking the Robitussin and some of the supplements the day after O. Hubby is going to keep taking most of his supplements, as we have suspected his testosterone levels were low anyway. I think he will back off on the gelatin some though, probably 1-2 packets per day instead of 3. I will probably go back to regular water. I have been enjoying the lemon water, but I think a gallon a day for two weeks is enough for awhile!

I think we are both excited to be half-way through the cycle. I know I am anxious to O and get through the TWW. Seems like my husband is so stressed out about other stuff that he doesn't think about TTC that much. When I bring it up he seems excited about it and anxious to find out if it was a success. I am so glad he is better about this stuff than he used to be. If only he could have been so supportive the first time! Oh well, better late than never as the saying goes.

A strange thing happened a few days ago. While talking to my mom on the phone, I casually slipped in that we were swaying for a boy. Instead of the *gasp!* "are you crazy?" that I was expecting I got an "oh really? What things are you trying?" lol I was really surprised, but turns out my mom and dad swayed for a boy and ended up conceiving my big brother! How awesome is that? Whether the swaying actually works or if God just takes pity on people who do it isn't clear, but either way it gives me hope! Once we do manage to get a BFP, I will be itching to find out if the swaying worked. It is sad considering how much we want a boy, but we have such an awesome girl name that it makes me a little sad to not get to use it! Good thing our boy name is awesome too ;) Well, I think it is awesome. My husband is still getting used to the name. Am I a dork for picking names from a fantasy novel? Maybe, but the names are so cool, who really cares?! And yes, no telling what the names are until we know the gender and are in third trimester.

Well, it is super late now. I have about 25 minutes left until I take those tests. I am soooo tired, I will have a hard time getting up to test on time in the morning.

Something random here, but I've been considering signing up for Facebook *shiver* I have avoided it for so long, but it is looking to be the easiest way to share photos with family and friends. I have decided to do it, but I am dragging my feet and trying to preserve what little Internet integrity I have left for as long as I can, lol

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