Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Stevia forever!

I use Stevia for drinks and some cooking/baking. I use 19 packets when I make Kool-aid, so we go through it really fast. A box of 50 packets is somewhere around the $5 mark, so the price adds up quick. Also the packets contain dextrose as a filler :/

I ordered a 1 lb tub of organic stevia extract from amazon, and it just came! This stuff is stronger, so 1/32 of a teaspoon is a serving. I will have to experiment and get used to it being stronger. The good thing is that this tub should last us for a really long time.

Gotta start eating more organic, so the sweetener is a good start. On the endo diet I am supposed to avoid a lot of things, including preservatives and additives, but preservatives and additives are in nearly everything in the grocery store. I hate having to pay more for food, but if it helps me stay out of the hospital it will be worth it. It will be a huge adjustment to start eating organic. Organic isn't that popular where I live, so shopping is going to be a little more of a challenge. We will get used to it no doubt, but it may take a few weeks.

Also in my order was a new food processor. My husband melted our last one on the bottom rack of the dishwasher several months ago. This is a cheapie, but had good ratings and is similar to our old one that worked well (was also a cheapie, same brand, but this one is a 10 cup instead of an 8 cup, and was $5 cheaper than the one we had before) We have been doing okay without one, but as our eating changes I keep finding myself needing one. Making riced cauliflower takes forever with a hand grater, cramps my hands, and sometimes accidents happen and chunks of skin end up in the food. Also a food processor will allow us to more easily make almond and flax meal, peanut butter, mayo, and veggies for soups and salads. I have to make my own mayo and sauces because soybean oil is in virtually everything you buy in the store. I will be eating nothing that comes out of a box, and very few things that come out of a can (tomatoes are one of the few tinned items allowed).

I am blogging on my phone, so the pictures will be at the bottom of the post. I just wanted to show the label and the ingredient list. Notice only one ingredient? Awesome huh? Anyway, hubby is home from shopping (hooray for baby spinach! Lol) so I will help him put stuff away. Watching an Office later, funny show!

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