Thursday, January 17, 2013

He's a boy, he's a boy, HE'S A BOY!!!

My baby boy!
@ 23 weeks & 4 days

Hooray! We are all excited to add a little boy to our family :) Did all the "boy diet" stuff work? Who knows, but either way we feel our prayers were answered (both for a healthy baby first of all, and secondly that the baby be a boy).

My husband hasn't said too much about it, but I can tell he is excited. I asked if he was excited to carry his baby son in his blue Ergo carrier (haven't bought it yet!), and he smiled and said "yeah, I guess" which for my husband is the equivalent of jumping up and down, lol

Both of my daughters are excited. The ultrasound was a fascinating experience for them, and I am counting it as a field trip for school. They asked the tech a bunch of questions, and he was very nice about answering them all. When they found out the baby is a boy they literally did jump up and down and clap, they aren't quite as reserved as their parents yet, lol First thing my oldest said was "Now Daddy doesn't have to be all alone anymore!" They are both happy that Daddy won't be the only boy anymore, but I think the biggest deal for them was seeing the baby's face on the ultrasound. They have both been able to feel the baby move, but getting to see him and know that he is a boy, made it much more real for them.

As far as I go, I am mainly relieved to finally know that my dreams about a baby boy weren't just all crazy wishful thinking after all, lol I would have been happy with a healthy little girl too, but I am happy that I am getting a boy to go along with my girls. I've always wanted both girls and boys (I think that's pretty normal :) and I feel a bit of relief knowing that my husband and I really are capable of having babies of both genders, lol My ideal family was to have two girls close in age, then two boys close in age. I've gotten exactly what I wanted so far, and I feel very blessed for it. I can't wait to buy little boy clothes and diapers, and make a little baby blanket :)

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