Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Diet update.

The diet is going really well so far. I was having trouble with cravings for carbs yesterday, but I managed to get through it okay. I was feeling pretty rough the first day and yesterday because of carb withdrawal (no, I am not making that up, it is a real thing and often referred to by most people as the Atkins flu). I feel like a new person today though. I wasn't hungry when I woke up and I actually feel like I have some energy today.

I have done really well with sticking to my eating plans. I did cheat once last night. I was having a craving for carbs (mainly pizza) and was feeling hungry even after eating supper and having a snack. I cheated by having a second can of pop. It isn't a big deal, and I thought it was a better choice than to break and eat more or something that I shouldn't. It has been easy eating mostly meat and eggs. We have been having quiche mostly. We went shopping for food yesterday since my husband had the day off from work. We picked up hotdogs (I like the Baker's and Chef's brand from Sam's Club the best as they have no added sugar, 0 carbs, and they are 100% beef and taste really good) sausage, bacon, cheese, jerky, sliced ham and turkey, and a couple other food item for the kids. I was impressed that for as much as we bought that it wasn't really very expensive.

I have lost some weight already. It is probably just water weight that I am losing at this point, but any weight lost is great as far as I am concerned. I lost 2 lbs the first day and 1 lb yesterday. For only 3 lbs lost I can sure tell a difference. My jeans are fitting noticeably looser than they were a couple days ago, and I just feel a bit lighter. I feel like going and doing something, which I haven't felt that way for several months (basically once I started allowing evil carbs back into my diet). It is a bit of a shame really because this isn't a good time to go do things outside. I need to be doing school with the kids (on lunch right now). I also noticed it was easier to get up this morning, even though I stayed up really late last night.

All is good so far and I am excited to see how much weight I loose by the end of this week. Heck, I am excited to see how quickly I can get down to size 12 jeans again, or how quickly I can reach my goal of 150 lbs!

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