Friday, March 2, 2012


Today is the start of my second week using the hHCG Protocol. I now know why I didn't show a loss yesterday on the scale; I started my menses last night. I am glad to know what the deal was, and am very happy that I lost today. I was worried about getting really slowed down on my weight loss, but it looks like it should be alright. My loss this morning was 1.8 lbs, so I am now at 208.6! That is under 210!!

My new hHCG pellets came today, and they are teeny tiny and pretty easy to use (way better than the drops I was using). I figured this would be a good time as any to start them. They can start getting worked into my system while I am held up some by my period so that hopefully once I am done with menses this month I will be all ready to go with losing weight hardcore again (just to clarify, my eating habits don't change at all, I am just referring to having the hHCG doing it's job to release stored fat).

I had expected water consumption to be my biggest struggle while doing this, but it hasn't been nearly so bad as I was expecting. I am not a huge water drinker and hate the feeling of forcing myself to consume water when I really don't want to have any. I have been drinking mostly iced tea (which is just fine on this plan) but have been upping my water intake as well. I seem to be thirstier, or at least not as anti-water as I usually am. I had bought flavored Stevia drops to help with drinking more water, but I don't really care for it. It is so weak that I have to have it nearly as sweet as syrup in order to taste the flavoring, so not a big fan of that. It isn't expired or anything either, so I may try a different brand. I have considered if I want to experiment with adding some DaVinci Syrup to my diet or not. It would be nice to have a little for flavoring coffee or tea, but on the other hand I am not sure I want to risk a stall in weight loss just for a little flavoring.

Since I have reached my first mini goal (getting under 210 lbs) it is time to start thinking about the next mini goal. I think 10 lbs is pretty good for a mini goal, so my next target is 199 lbs. I REALLY want to be out of the 200's for good. I touched below 200 lbs while doing low-carb (before stress and depression shoved me violently off the wagon) but that was so short-lived it doesn't really count. Previously I had been down to 180 lbs about 2 1/2 years ago, but couldn't hold it very long since I was not aware of how badly my body reacts to carbs. I know better this time and hope that I can get down to a good weight and keep the extra off by staying away from sugar and most starches. I gotta get down to my ideal weight first though, and I think I am making pretty good headway :)

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